
How to Install SonarQube on Ubuntu 22.04


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Installing SonarQube on Ubuntu 22.04

SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous code quality inspection. It allows developers and development teams to measure and analyze code quality, identify and fix code issues, and track code quality trends over time.

To install SonarQube on Ubuntu 22.04, follow the steps below:

  1. Update your system: sudo apt update
  2. Install Java Development Kit (JDK) if not already installed: sudo apt install default-jdk
  3. Create a new system user for SonarQube: sudo useradd -r sonarqube -d /opt/sonarqube
  4. Download the latest SonarQube version from the official website:
    wget https://binaries.sonarsource.com/Distribution/sonarqube/sonarqube-x.x.zip
    Replace x.x with the desired SonarQube version.
  5. Extract the downloaded file: sudo unzip sonarqube-x.x.zip -d /opt
  6. Change ownership of the SonarQube directory to the newly created user: sudo chown -R sonarqube:sonarqube /opt/sonarqube-x.x
  7. Configure SonarQube to run as a service:
    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sonarqube.service
    Add the following content to the file:

    [Unit] Description=SonarQube service After=syslog.target network.target [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/opt/sonarqube-x.x/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh start ExecStop=/opt/sonarqube-x.x/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh stop User=sonarqube Group=sonarqube Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
  8. Save the changes and close the file.
  9. Reload the systemd configuration: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  10. Start the SonarQube service: sudo systemctl start sonarqube
  11. Enable the SonarQube service to start on boot: sudo systemctl enable sonarqube
  12. Open your web browser and access SonarQube using your server's IP address or domain name, followed by port 9000:
  13. Follow the web-based setup wizard to complete the SonarQube installation and configuration.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed SonarQube on Ubuntu 22.04. You can now start analyzing your code and improving code quality using SonarQube's powerful tools and features.

Note: Make sure to adapt the instructions accordingly if you are using a different Ubuntu version or SonarQube version.

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Installing SonarQube
Ubuntu 22.04
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