
How to Install Prometheus on Ubuntu 20.04


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Installing Prometheus on Ubuntu 20.04

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit used for storing, querying, and visualizing time-series data. It is widely used for monitoring containerized applications and microservices architectures.

Installation Steps:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ wget https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/download/v2.29.2/prometheus-2.29.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar xvf prometheus-2.29.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ cd prometheus-2.29.2.linux-amd64
$ ./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:9090 to access the Prometheus Web UI.

  1. Update system packages:
  2. Download the Prometheus tarball:
  3. Extract the tarball:
  4. Move into the extracted directory:
  5. Start Prometheus:
  6. Access Prometheus Web UI:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Prometheus on Ubuntu 20.04.

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Installing Prometheus on Ubuntu 20.04
Prometheus installation guide
Prometheus setup on Ubuntu
How to install Prometheus on Ubuntu 20.04
Step-by-step guide for installing Prometheus on Ubuntu
Prometheus installation process
Prometheus deployment on Ubuntu 20.04
Installing Prometheus monitoring tool on Ubuntu
Guide for setting up Prometheus on Ubuntu
Prometheus setup tutorial.

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