
How to Install GitLab on CentOS 8?


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How to Install GitLab on CentOS 8

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a complete CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) platform. It offers a git repository manager, issue tracking, continuous integration, and other features to facilitate the development and deployment of software.

Installation Process

sudo dnf -y update
sudo dnf -y install curl policycoreutils openssh-server openssh-clients libicu-devel postfix
sudo systemctl enable sshd
sudo systemctl start sshd
curl -sS https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ce/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash
sudo EXTERNAL_URL="http://your-domain-or-ip-address" dnf -y install gitlab-ce

Replace "your-domain-or-ip-address" with the appropriate value.

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Visit the URL you defined in the EXTERNAL_URL parameter during installation.

  1. Update the system:
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:
  3. Enable and start the SSH service:
  4. Add the GitLab package repository:
  5. Install GitLab:
  6. Configure GitLab:
  7. Access GitLab:

GitLab should now be successfully installed on your CentOS 8 server. You can proceed with configuring it according to your requirements and start using it for your development and deployment needs.

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Installing GitLab on CentOS 8
GitLab installation guide for CentOS 8
How to install GitLab on CentOS 8
Step-by-step guide to install GitLab on CentOS 8
GitLab installation requirements on CentOS 8
Installing GitLab CE on CentOS 8
GitLab installation process on CentOS 8
Installing GitLab Omnibus on CentOS 8
GitLab installation troubleshooting on CentOS 8
Installing GitLab from source on CentOS 8

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