
How to Install Confluence on CentOS 8


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Installing Confluence on CentOS 8

Confluence is a collaboration and documentation tool developed by Atlassian. It enables teams to create, organize, and share knowledge with ease. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing Confluence on CentOS 8.


  • A fresh CentOS 8 instance
  • Root access or a user with sudo privileges

Step 1: Update System Packages

First, we need to update the system packages to their latest versions. Connect to your CentOS 8 server through SSH, and run the following commands:

sudo dnf update -y

Step 2: Install Java

Confluence requires Java to run. Install OpenJDK 11 by running the following command:

sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk-devel -y

Step 3: Create a Confluence User

We will create a dedicated system user to run the Confluence service. Run the following command to create a new user called "confluence":

sudo useradd -m confluence

Step 4: Download and Extract Confluence

Go to the official Atlassian Confluence downloads page and copy the link for the latest version of Confluence.

sudo su - confluence
wget -O confluence.tar.gz paste_confluence_download_link_here
tar -xvzf confluence.tar.gz

Step 5: Configure Confluence

Create a new file called response.varfile under the atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone directory (replace X.X.X with the Confluence version you downloaded), and paste the following configuration:

touch atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/response.varfile
echo "app.confHome=/var/atlassian/application-data/confluence" >> atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/response.varfile
echo "app.install.service$Boolean=true" >> atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/response.varfile
echo "sys.confirmedUpdateInstallationString=false" >> atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/response.varfile
echo "executeLauncherAction$Boolean=false" >> atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/response.varfile
echo "httpPort$Long=8090" >> atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/response.varfile
echo "portChoice=default" >> atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/response.varfile

Step 6: Install Confluence as a Service

Run the following commands to install Confluence as a service:

cd atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-standalone/

Step 7: Access Confluence Web Configuration

Open your web browser and access the following URL:


Follow the on-screen instructions to configure Confluence.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Confluence on CentOS 8. You can now start collaborating and documenting with your team.

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installing confluence
confluence on CentOS 8
how to install confluence on CentOS 8
confluence installation guide
step-by-step guide to installing confluence
installing confluence on Linux
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confluence installation on CentOS
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setting up confluence on CentOS 8

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