
How to install Ajenti on CentOS 8


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Installing Ajenti on CentOS 8

Ajenti is an open-source web-based server administration panel that allows users to manage their Linux servers through a website interface. It is written in Python and uses the Flask web framework.

To install Ajenti on CentOS 8, follow the steps below:

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install epel-release
sudo rpm --import https://repo.ajenti.org/ajenti-repo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
sudo wget https://repo.ajenti.org/ajenti-repo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf localinstall ajenti-repo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install ajenti
sudo systemctl start ajenti
sudo systemctl enable ajenti
  1. Update the system:
  2. Add the EPEL repository:
  3. Install the Ajenti repository key:
  4. Add the Ajenti repository:
  5. Install Ajenti:
  6. Start and enable Ajenti service:

Accessing Ajenti

After installation, you can access the Ajenti control panel by opening a web browser and entering the following URL:


Replace "your-server-ip" with the IP address of your CentOS 8 server.

You can then login using your root username and password to start managing your server through the Ajenti web interface.


Ajenti is a powerful web-based server administration panel that makes it easy to manage your Linux server through a user-friendly web interface. By following the installation steps mentioned above, you can quickly install Ajenti on your CentOS 8 server and start managing it using the Ajenti control panel.

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Installing Ajenti on CentOS 8
Ajenti installation guide
How to install Ajenti on CentOS 8
Step-by-step guide to install Ajenti on CentOS 8
Installing Ajenti control panel on CentOS 8
Ajenti installation tutorial for CentOS 8
Ajenti installation steps for CentOS 8
Ajenti setup on CentOS 8
Installing Ajenti web server on CentOS 8
Ajenti CentOS 8 installation process.

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